Breaking the Silos with Gavin Crump | AG 35

Breaking the Silos

Today we have with us an Architect, BIM Expert & founder of Aussie BIM Guru, Gavin Crump

A brief history of Gavin Crump: Gavin completed his Bachelor & Masters in Architecture from University of South Australia in 2012, post which he got the opportunity to work for the biggest firms in the industry like HDR, Woods Baggot, Crone Architects, among many and quickly worked his way up to being a BIM Manager. He now runs his own BIM Consulting firm called BIM Guru and he provides various BIM related services. But what stands out the most for him is undoubtedly his Youtube channel. Yes, there are tons of tutorials on Revit but most of those tutorials are made by students who have not really had infield experience. But what if you could learn from an industry leader who has over 9 years of experience and all for free? Gavin not only releases tutorials on Revit, but also on Dynamo, Python, Grasshopper, Rhino, & of course BIM. If you want to check out his videos, head to Aussie BIM guru on youtube.In this episode, Gavin is going to be taking us on his journey in Architecture, his time at University of South Australia, why he feels 3 years in Architecture school is too long, how he picked up on Revit, his transition to a BIM Manager in a very short span of time, scope of work for a BIM Manager, the Aussie BIM Guru story, BIM ISO Standards, advice for those learning Dynamo, transition from Dynamo to Grasshopper, starting his BIM Consulting firm called BIM Guru, the BIM Market in Australia, advice for young architects and towards the end we shift gears a bit and talk about applying for the Australian PR which is going to interest all those listeners planning on applying for migration.


Podcast Shownotes

02:30 How Gavin got into Architecture
04:00 Studying at University of South Australia
06:30 How Gavin picked up his Revit skills
08:30 Working with a BIM Manager
09:30 How Gavin transitioned to a BIM Manager in a very short span of time BIM Standards
12:20 Scope of work for a BIM Manager
14:30 Is the BIM team involved in Facilities Management?
15:30 The Aussie BIM Guru Story
Learning from his own videos
How to write a pattern file
18:00 How did Gavin come up with the name “Aussie BIM Guru”?
19:11 What can we expect from Aussie BIM Guru for 2020?
Custom package creation on Dynamo
Python in Dynamo
Free Revit Templates
22:00 The BIM Guru Naming Standards
BIM ISO Standards
BRE, International ISO
23:30 Advice for those learning Dynamo
Walk before you run
The Aussie BIM Guru Github
28:20 Transition from Dynamo to Grasshopper
Ladybug, Breps,
Dynamo Community
31:10 BIM Guru – A BIM Consulting Firm
35:00 Business Development
36:50 The BIM Market in Australia
37:30 Has BIM implementation become compulsory in Australia ?
39:00 The Australian government & BIM ISO 19650
40:30 Projects that have implemented BIM the right way in Australia
The Egyptian Museum
43:00 BIM Levels & Digital Twins
45:20 Tech Giants & BIM – 
The Samsung City
46:30 Does BIM compromise our creative abilities as architects ?
48:00 Applying for the Australian PR Subclass 189
53:00 Advice to young architects & architecture students.
54:20 Quick Fire Round
57:30 The Aussie BIM Guru Cats
58:40 Quick Fire Round

The Quick Fire Round

Books Mentioned

  • Minimal by John Pawson


Music Gavin listens to
  • Archenemy, Trivium, Meshuggah
Favorite Cities
  • New York
  • Tokyo
 Daily Routine
  • Wake up at 4AM to feed his Cats
  • Wake up at 8AM again
  • Go for a run
  • Work right through to 6pm – including Research & Development
  • Aussie BIM Guru videos twice a week
  • Sleep by 12 PM.
Source for Motivation
  • Get on Twitter & Network
Gavin 10 Years from Now
  • Reach more People
  • BIM won’t be BIM in 10 years

Connect with Gavin Crump

