Architectural Journalism in India with Apurva Bose Dutta AG 07

On this episode, we speak to award-winning Bangalore based Architectural Journalist Apurva Bose Dutta. 

Apurva has been spearheading the Architectural Journalism movement in India for the past 13 years. Her work has been published in various architecture and design publications around the world. 

Apart from writing, she conducts workshops across India, collaborates with various Architectural journals, travels across the country and overseas giving talks, and is inspiring the younger generation to take up Architectural writing and journalism as a potential career path.

From the struggles of her early days in pursuing Architectural Writing & Journalism, to being a mentor herself to the newer generation, she has come a long way in chalking a successful path in the Architectural Journalism space.

Selected links from the Episode

If you would like to get in touch with Apurva, find the links below

And Check out her website

Apurva’s Book

by Apurva Bose Dutta

Favourite Books

Paths Unchartered by B.V. Doshi

Apurva’s 3-day Masterclass in Architectural Journalism

People Mentioned

Suneet Paul – Editor of A+D Magazine 

BV Doshi, Christopher Benninger, Charles Correa, Rahul Melhotra, Satyaprakash Varanasi, Ar. Shiv Datt Sharma, Gautam Bhatia – (inspirations & their powerful writing)

Paul Goldberger, Ada Louis Huxtable, Professor William Curtis (writers) 

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Show Notes

00:00 Intro

02:50 Apurva’s background and how she got into Architecture and Architectural Journalism

05:00 How Apurva got into writing and ending up in a niche field

07:45 How Apurva pursued Architectural Journalism in the 2000s.

09:49 Diploma in Freelance journalism in UK & tips on freelancing as an Architectural Journalist

10:50 How does someone pursue the Architectural Journalism Course

12:45 Different professional who ask Apurva on how to get into Architectural Journalism and talks in media institutes. 

16:00 Does Architectural Journalism pay well?

17:00 Scope of Architectural Journalism in India

20:00 Architectural Journalism is not restricted to Architecture and the potential of Architectural writing

20:45 Apurva in the coming years and the importance of diversification.

22:50 One advice to young Architectural Journalists in India

25:00 Criticism in Architecture and design or “Critical Evaluation and Analytical piece of writing.”


Quick Fire Round


27:00 Inspirations and where her inspiration comes from

28:00 Favorite Architecture Books

29:00 Typical Day of an Architectural Journalist

32:00 Goal as an Arhitectural Journalist in bringing change to the world.

Additional Content

Courses in Architectural Journalism

Coming Up!

“Normality is a paved road: It’s comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow on it.”

- Vincent Van Gogh

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