Top Architecture Firms in Bangalore: Redefining Urban Landscape

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Architecture Firms in Bangalore, the vibrant metropolis of India, is renowned for its architectural marvels that seamlessly blend tradition and innovation. This bustling city is home to a plethora of architectural firms that have left an indelible mark on its skyline. In this blog, we delve into the world of architecture and showcase the top 10 firms in Bangalore that have redefined the urban landscape with their creative brilliance and innovative approach.

Architecture firms

Discover Bangalore’s Leading Architecture Firms Crafting a New Era of Urban Living

  1. Biome Solutions

Biome Solutions is known for its eco-friendly designs and sustainable architecture. They have worked on various projects such as the Vishwanath House, which is a zero-waste house that uses rainwater harvesting and solar energy. The firm is led by Chitra Vishwanath, who is an architect known for her works related to themes of ecology and sustainable architecture.

2. Flying Elephant Studio

Flying Elephant Studio is one of the most sought-after architectural firms in Bangalore. The firm was founded by Rajesh Renganathan and Iype Chacko. They have worked on various projects such as the Kalyani House, which is a beautiful blend of traditional and modern architecture.

3. GDK Designs

GDK Designs is an architectural firm that has worked on various projects such as the Sattva House, which is a beautiful example of modern architecture. The firm has been recognized for its unique designs and innovative approach to architecture.

4. IN: CH Lab

IN: CH Lab is an architectural firm that has worked on various projects such as the House of Three Streams, which is a beautiful example of contemporary architecture. The firm has been recognized for its unique designs and innovative approach to architecture. 

5. DKP Architects 

DKP Architects is an architectural firm that has worked on various projects such as the Brigade Gateway Complex, which is a beautiful example of modern architecture. The firm has been recognized for its unique designs and innovative approach to architecture.

6. Between Spaces

Between Spaces is an architectural firm that has worked on various projects such as the Chimera Technologies Office, which is a beautiful example of contemporary architecture. The firm has been recognized for its unique designs and innovative approach to architecture. 

7. Architecture Paradigm

They are known for their minimal yet bold designs and have worked on various projects such as the Brigade Gateway Complex. The firm has been recognized for their unique designs and innovative approach to architecture. With a minimalist approach, the firm achieves architectural excellence, and their work stands as a testament to their dedication to innovative design.

8. Cadence Architects

They are known for their innovative designs and have worked on various projects such as the House of Cards. The firm has been recognized for their unique designs and innovative approach to architecture. The firm’s distinct style and ability to experiment with diverse design elements have garnered them widespread acclaim.

9. Mistry Architects

They are known for their unique designs and have worked on various projects such as the Mistry House. The firm has been recognized for their unique designs and innovative approach to architecture. Their work on the Mistry House is a testament to their creative flair and ability to weave captivating stories through architecture.

10. Good Earth Architects

They are known for their eco-friendly designs and have worked on various projects such as the Good Earth Srinidhi. The firm has been recognized for their unique designs and innovative approach to architecture. Their focus on creating sustainable spaces reflects their dedication to preserving the environment.


Bangalore’s architectural landscape is a testament to the brilliance and innovation of its top architecture firms. Each firm mentioned in this blog has contributed significantly to the city’s growth and urban development. From sustainable practices to contemporary designs and heritage preservation, these firms continue to shape Bangalore’s skyline while upholding the spirit of urban dynamism and creativity. As the city continues to evolve, we can only look forward to more groundbreaking architectural wonders from these firms in the years to come.

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